


Shadow Fight 3 cheats



63143 reviews I played Shadow Fight 2 and comparing this one to the previous I would say it improves in some areas and in others it’s lacking. Some improvements I think is the combat. I personally like the different fighting styles with each faction. Some have strengths and their own weaknesses as well. One think that needs improvement on the the weapon balancing. I feel there are just some weapons that have combos that can be a bit much at times. I don’t really have a problem with the micro-transactions. I haven’t spend any real money into this game and I don’t plan on it. I think people are being harsh about them in this game. It’s a free game you guys. This is how they have to make money. I can’t relate to the people who say this game is pay to win. Of course there is gonna be that super duper legendary armor and weapons that you can only get through buying the card packs, but having the over powered armor sort of ruins the point of the game. Answer this question: If every person you fight is easy and not a challenge, then is the game still fun? I think most of you would say no it’s not. To the others, then you’re gonna have to spend money. In conclusion, this is a great game that shouldn’t be looked down upon for having micro transactions. If you think it’s bothering you that much then just play another free game Author: Nekki Limited In-App: New Dan Offer The update includes the following changes: 1.14.0 language: Portuguese.

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